Book a Solar Installation For Your Home in Colorado

  • Comprehensive Solar Solutions

  • Harnessing the Power of the Sun

  • Savings That Shine

  • Personalized Consultation, Professional Installation

  • Improvise your properties

Why Choose Our Commercial Solar Panel Installation?

Your Energy Advantage:

  • Customized Solar Installation: Our experienced team tailors solar power installations to your unique needs and property characteristics. We understand that every home and business is different, and we work to maximize the benefits of solar power for you.

  • 30% Federal Tax Credit (ITC): Homeowners who install solar panels are eligible for a 30% federal tax credit. This incredible incentive can significantly reduce the cost of your solar installation in home, making it an even more attractive option.

  • Solar Detach and Reset Experts: Protect your solar investment during roofing or maintenance work with our skilled team. Our solar system company has a specialized team trained to safely detach and reset solar panels in home.

  • Free Solar Consultations: Explore solar panel installation options with no financial commitment. Our solar installation company in Colorado will provide you with an estimate of potential energy savings and the return on investment (ROI) you can expect from solar installation in home.

  • Trained and Certified Experts: Our solar installation company has highly trained and certified electricians, and experienced professionals who specialize in solar installations for residential homes in Colorado.

  • Dedicated Project Coordinator: Throughout the installation process, you'll have a dedicated Project Coordinator as your main point of contact, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

  • Cutting-Edge HJT Panels: Additionally, we use state-of-the-art Heterojunction (HJT) solar panels, known for their high efficiency, temperature resilience, and streamlined manufacturing. This means you'll get the most out of your solar installation with the latest and best solar technology.

residential and commercial roofing

Book Your Free Consultation With Commercial Solar Power Company in Colorado

Throughout the installation process, you'll have dedicated solar panel contractors in Colorado as your main point of contact, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience.

Powering Your Future: Comprehensive Energy Services In Colorado

solar panel installation for home
solar panel installation for home

Why Homeowners and Property Owners Should Go Solar In Colorado: A Brighter and Greener Future

In an era of heightened environmental awareness and rising energy costs, the decision to go solar is not just about embracing a modern trend – it's a step toward a brighter, more sustainable future. As a homeowner or property owner in Colorado, from the bustling city of Denver to the picturesque neighborhoods of Littleton and the vibrant communities of Aurora and Highlands Ranch, you have the power to make a significant impact on your finances, the environment, and the overall quality of your life. Here, we explore why homeowners should consider harnessing the power of the sun through solar installation for home in Colorado:

1. Significant Energy Savings

Solar panel installation for homes in Colorado is one of the most compelling ways to save on your energy costs. With the ever-increasing cost of energy, solar power provides a welcome relief, allowing you to allocate your hard-earned money toward other essential needs or desires.

2. Environmental Responsibility

The Centennial State, known for its natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities, is also a place where residents deeply value sustainability. Solar panels and installations align with Colorado's commitment to preserving its environment and fighting against climate change, as it reduces the carbon footprint associated with energy consumption.

3. Financial Incentives

Colorado offers various financial incentives for homeowners who choose to invest in solar panels. The federal government provides a 30% Investment Tax Credit (ITC), covering a significant portion of the cost of your solar installation. Many state-specific incentives, rebates, and grants further make solar installation in homes attractive and affordable.

4. Energy Independence

Solar power installation empowers you to take control of your energy supply, making you less susceptible to rising energy prices and the volatility of the energy market, factors Colorado residents may be all too familiar with.

5. Increased Property Value

Solar panel installation for homes in popular Colorado cities such as Denver or Littleton can increase the overall value of your property. Solar-equipped homes often have higher resale values and sell faster, making your investment all the more worthwhile.

6. Grid Resilience

For Colorado homeowners, especially in areas prone to power interruptions due to severe weather, solar panels paired with battery storage systems offer invaluable grid resilience. Your home can continue to operate during grid outages, providing power for essential appliances and lighting.

7. Local Job Creation

By investing in solar panel installation in Colorado, you're supporting the growth of the local solar industry, creating jobs, and stimulating the state's economy.

Solar Detach and Reset

At Energy Advantage Roofing & Solar, we understand that homeowners or property owners in Colorado may face various circumstances that require their solar panels to be temporarily removed and later reinstalled. Whether you're planning roof maintenance, or repairs for home or commercial solar systems, our Solar Detach and Reset Services are designed to accommodate these needs while ensuring the safety and efficiency of your solar investment.

Why Solar Detach and Reset?

  1. Roof Maintenance or Replacement: Your roof may require routine inspections, repairs, or replacements over time. Our Solar Detach and Reset Services allow for seamless coordination with your roofing contractor, ensuring that your solar panels are safely removed before roofing work begins and then expertly reinstalled.

  2. Home Improvements: If you're planning renovations, additions, or other home improvement projects, our solar panel contractors can enable you to temporarily relocate your solar panels. This ensures they remain undamaged and that your investment is preserved.

  3. Solar Panel Upgrades: In some cases, you may wish to upgrade your solar panel system. Solar Detach and Reset services provide a hassle-free way to replace or enhance your solar panels without the need for a complete reinstallation.

Our Solar Detach and Reset Process

  1. Preparation: Before detaching your solar panels, we conduct a comprehensive assessment to plan the entire process. This includes evaluating the condition of your current solar installation and ensuring that all necessary safety precautions are in place.

  2. Careful Removal: Careful Removal: Our team of trained solar panels and installation professionals safely disconnects your solar panels and components, ensuring they remain undamaged throughout the process.

  3. Home Improvement or Roof Work: Home Improvement or Roof Work: You can confidently proceed with your roofing project or home improvement knowing that your solar installation in home is safely removed and your roofing needs are met.

  4. Reinstallation: After the necessary work is completed, our solar power installers in Colorado expertly reinstall your solar panels with the same precision and care as during the initial installation.

  5. Quality Assurance: Our Solar Detach and Reset Services include a thorough inspection to confirm that your solar panels are functioning optimally and that your system meets safety and performance standards.

  6. 25-Year Detach and Reset Warranty: With Energy Advantage Roofing & Solar, you not only benefit from our expert solar detach and reset services, but you also enjoy the assurance of a 25-year Detach and Reset Warranty. This warranty ensures that your solar panels are covered for any necessary temporary removal and reset during roofing or maintenance work, preserving the integrity and performance of your solar panel system.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Solar roof installation typically involves several steps: consultation and assessment, design, permitting, installation, and final inspection. The process starts with a consultation where your energy needs and property are evaluated. After design and permitting, solar panels are installed on your roof or property, followed by inspections to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

  • Going solar can lead to significant financial benefits. You can save on your energy bills by generating your own electricity, and many states offer incentives like rebates and tax credits. Additionally, solar power installations can increase the value of your property and may provide opportunities to earn money through net metering.

  • Solar panels are relatively low-maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris is recommended, and a professional inspection every few years can ensure optimal performance. Most solar panels come with warranties, which can cover potential issues.

  • Absolutely! Even if your property doesn't receive full sun exposure, there are solar panels designed to perform well in shaded conditions. These panels often feature advanced technology that allows them to generate energy even when partially shaded. Additionally, an experienced solar company in Colorado can strategically design your solar system to maximize energy production based on your unique property conditions. So, whether it's due to trees, nearby buildings, or other factors, you can still harness the power of the sun and reduce your energy bills with solar panels.

  • Commercial solar installations offer several advantages, including substantial energy cost savings, reduced carbon footprint, and potential revenue generation through net metering or selling excess energy back to the grid. Additionally, going solar enhances your company's sustainability efforts and can attract eco-conscious customers.

  • Yes, solar panels can be installed on a metal roof. Metal roofs are an excellent choice for solar installations in homes due to their durability and longevity. Special mounting systems are used to secure the solar panels without penetrating the roof surface, ensuring no risk of leaks.

Book your free solar consultation

commercial solar systems